Dad In The Delivery Room: Yes or No?

Dad In The Delivery Room: Yes or No?

Dad in the delivery room: Yes or No?

Being by her side could mean the world to her!

The support a woman receives during labour and childbirth shapes her lasting perceptions of the experience.

A generation ago, in India, the idea of anyone from the family being present in the labour room was unheard of, and certainly not encouraged. However, with growing awareness and better facilities coming into play, many care facilities located in urban areas are open to the idea of partner-assisted delivery, i.e. allowing fathers in the delivery room. Some doctors even encourage fathers to cut the umbilical cord after birth. If you want to be present at your child’s birth, here’s what a father in the delivery room should expect:

Top 5 tips for dads planning to be present in the delivery room:

Firstly, if you are squeamish at the thought, perhaps being in the labour room is not for you! However, remember that childbirth is a beautiful process of bringing a child, your child, into the world, and having you by her side could mean the world to your partner who is giving birth through a lot of pain. Consider a few things before choosing whether you would like to be present during delivery.

1. If the sight of blood troubles you, don’t hesitate to express this concern to the doctor on call. Indeed, this is the stuff of many funny moments or videos of dads in the delivery room. In such cases, ask if your partner’s close family member could be with her instead.

2. Some doctors still hold traditional views about the presence of the father in the delivery room, and perhaps with good reason. Improper hygiene in the room can lead to
infections for both the mother and child
If you do decide to be in the room, comply with the house regulations and wear any and all protective gear provided to you.

3. A woman having a vaginal birth is likely in a lot of pain. Having your calm presence by her side is a show of strength and support for what she is going through. Don’t panic- the doctors know what they are doing.

4. If at any point in time, the doctors ask you to leave the room due to a complication or procedure, don’t argue with them. Step out of the room and ask a senior administrator to update you on what is going on.

5. If you or your partner have concerns about how you may perceive your intimacy after witnessing your partner give birth, discuss this with her and the doctor before choosing to be there. While it is advisable, even desirable, that the dad be present during childbirth, it shouldn’t become a problem between the two of you at a later time.

If you haven’t considered being present in the labour room before, now is as good a time as any! Think through all the consequences of this choice. It is a great source of support for your partner, and we bet you will never witness anything as beautiful as childbirth!Did you find this article helpful? If you’re a mom-to-be, will you share this with your partner? If you’re a mom, was your partner present at the birth of your child? Share your experience with us at and be featured on our website!

Dignity During Delivery: A Woman’s Right To Privacy In Childbirth

Dignity During Delivery: A Woman’s Right To Privacy In Childbirth

Like all other mammals, even human females when giving birth need a sense of security.

From that first pregnancy test to the first contraction, pregnancy and especially delivery are extremely personal and overwhelming experiences for a woman. It is imperative that she be accorded privacy during the intimate process of her baby’s delivery. At each step of the journey, care must be taken that she does not feel violated or uncomfortable in any which way.

Especially during a normal delivery, or vaginal delivery, a private bubble or cocoon created around the birthing mother goes a long way in giving her a sense of protection and comfort. When labour pain starts, intrusions should be minimised, unwanted members should be restricted, and her modesty should not be compromised under any circumstances.

During delivery it is essential that the mother-to-be feels relaxed and comfortable and does not experience anxiety due to her surroundings. If she is stressing due to lack of privacy or unwanted people at her labour it will increase stress hormones. This in turn will inhibit oxytocin production and will eventually slow down labour.

Here’s what hospitals and care institutions can do to ensure privacy for a woman in labour:

  • Examinations and procedures should either happen in closed chambers, or behind curtains.
  • Glass cubicles or panes if any should be frosted.
  • If the mother-to-be is giving birth in an open ward, curtains should be drawn around her.

Privacy and perceptions during labour and delivery:

Though these physical measures to ensure privacy are mostly taken, the concept and extent of personal space or “privacy” can vary from woman to woman.

Generally speaking, a woman should have the right to decide which, if any family member is going to be present at the time of her delivery or even during pregnancy check-ups.

In India this is a sensitive topic and should be approached with an open mind and the mother’s best interests at heart. Care should be taken that the woman does not feel pressurized to have, for instance, her mother-in-law with her at the time of labour. If the mother-to-be feels uncomfortable it will make the labour process protracted and long-drawn.

The mother must at no point feel obligated to include relatives especially in-laws at these junctures.

If the woman cannot stand up and ask for privacy it may be a good idea to involve the attending physician or administrative staff in limiting the number of individuals attending her delivery.

Typically, in Indian families several visitors flock to see the new born and the new mom immediately after birth. Sometimes the new mother, already worn out from the process of giving birth is almost forced to make small talk with visitors who drop by. Extra precautions should be taken to restrict visitors (such as enforcing visiting hours) to ensure the new mother gets adequate rest after her baby delivery, which will ease her passage into this new and challenging phase of life.

Privacy for a mother is important at all stages – pregnancy, delivery and post-pregnancy. Doctors, nurses, support staff and families should work in tandem to see that her need for privacy is upheld during the entire process.

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