by Abhishek Khedkar | Aug 27, 2021 | Articles, Pregnancy Care
Pregnancy is a phase in which every woman wishes to be in the best of her health, but however, it does come with its share of ups and downs.
We all know that our body has a natural defence mechanism to protect itself from viruses and bacteria. To fight infections, antibodies are the ones that help, but sometimes our body might fail to make enough antibodies. During pregnancy, the immunity is lowered due to which infections might occur.
In some cases, infections can affect both you and your baby. Hence, staying updated about the infections and getting them treated timely is crucial. Check out the list of some common infections that are prone to occur during pregnancy:
Bacterial Vaginosis:
Bacterial vaginosis is one of the common infections that may occur during pregnancy. It usually occurs due to the overgrowth of bacteria that naturally lives in the vagina.
What are the symptoms to look out for?
- Pain during urination
- Itching
- Foul smelling odour
- Greyish discharge
Yeast Infection:
Commonly caused by a fungus called Candida – another common infection that may occur during pregnancy due to some hormonal changes.
What are the symptoms to look out for?
- Pain and itching
- Thick whitish-yellow discharge
- Burning sensation while urinating
Group B Streptococcus (GBS):
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is usually found in the digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts. So, there is a small risk for GBS infection to pass to the baby.
Early onset GBS infection – Usually occurs in the first week after childbirth and the symptoms may develop within 12 hours of birth.
Late onset GBS infection – Develops after 7 or more days after childbirth.
What are the symptoms to look out for?
- Irritability
- High or low temperature
- Being unresponsive
- Fast or slow heart rates
It may lead to sepsis or meningitis.
Hepatitis B:
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that can be passed to the baby during pregnancy. Hence, it is wise to get the test done as a precautionary measure to protect the baby from contracting the virus.
What are the symptoms to look out for?
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
What are the few things you can do to prevent certain infections?
You’re responsible for the life growing inside you, so taking the necessary steps is important. Follow these simple steps to avoid or prevent certain infections:
Maintain good hygiene –
Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly and regularly to maintain good hygiene. To eliminate the germs and avoid getting sick, keep your hands clean before and after any activity especially before preparing, serving or eating food.
Avoid consuming uncooked or unpasteurized food –
Unpasteurized and uncooked products may contain harmful bacteria that can cause infections during pregnancy. Before buying any products make sure you read the food labels and while cooking meat ensure that it is cooked well from inside.
Get the right jab at the right time –
There are a few vaccinations recommended before, during and after childbirth – talk to your doctor about them to help you stay healthy and protect the baby.
Get tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) –
Protect yourself by getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis. You can take preventative measures to protect your baby if you have any of these.
Delegate Tasks –
Avoid touching or cleaning cat litter and have someone else do it for you. But, if there is no one to help then make sure you wear gloves and wash your hands properly. Dirty cat litter might contain harmful parasites that can be the cause of infection during pregnancy.
It is important to be aware of the different types of infections during pregnancy as it allows you to recognize the symptoms. Seek advice from your doctor as s/he will recommend appropriate tests and treatment for the same.
Be updated with more such amazing facts and information only on the Together For Her app! Download now.
by Abhishek Khedkar | Jul 13, 2021 | Pregnancy Care
Pregnancy is life-altering, but a wonderful experience for all the mothers-to-be. From conception to childbirth, the journey to motherhood is like a sea of varying emotions that may add up to stress and anxiety.
It is natural to feel stressed and anxious than usual while dealing with hormonal and physical changes. But, the ongoing pandemic has certainly added to the stress and anxiety levels of expectant mothers. Therefore, as a mother-to-be it is crucial to guard your mental health for you and your baby.
Here are a few things you can do to manage your mental health and well-being during pregnancy –
Talk it out:
Getting things off your chest and discussing your worries with someone who understands you well can be helpful. Talk to someone you trust – it can be your partner, friend, relative or a work colleague. You can also opt for antenatal classes and get to know other mothers-to-be.
Be physically active:
Maintaining a regular exercise routine can help you to stay fit and feel good throughout your pregnancy. It can also help you improve your posture and decrease some discomforts like backaches. Include some light exercises into your daily routine and make sure you consult your doctor before you begin an exercise program.
Maintain a pregnancy journal:
Keeping a pregnancy journal is a great way to remember what it felt like during your pregnancy journey – right from feeling your baby’s first kick to picking up a name for your little one. It’s a perfect way to capture all the moments, tears, laughter, cravings and sadness. It will also help you to create a special bond with your baby, act as a stress reliever and bring some calmness to your life.
Try meditation:
Meditating will help you cope up with physical and emotional stresses during pregnancy enabling you to relax, focus, reduce stress and increase your peace of mind. When you do it consistently throughout your pregnancy, it can have a host of benefits.
Join antenatal classes:
Antenatal classes will help you prepare for childbirth with confidence. These classes are usually informative where you’ll learn about your pregnancy journey and giving birth to the baby. It will also teach you how to take care of your baby and your own body during pregnancy.
Ask for help:
Make sure you don’t exhaust yourself with work. It’s okay to ask friends or family for help – they’ll always be there for you. They can help you with household chores, shopping or cooking. This is the phase where you’ll have to take care of yourself, so people around you will understand if you say “no” for any work.
Do what you love:
Every expectant mother wishes to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. So, let’s make the most of your nine months – starting now. Enjoy the opportunities throughout your pregnancy journey so that you can cherish these moments. You could learn new recipes, read a book, watch your favourite movies, listen to music, and many more.
To sum it up – every pregnancy and every pregnant woman is unique! Prioritize yourself as you have a little one growing inside you. Download the Together For Her App for more such helpful tips.
by c2s-ajay | Jul 6, 2020 | Articles
Travelling during pregnancy is one of the trickiest things to do – We, Indian women, are very superstitious when it comes to travelling during pregnancy and most of us would even stop travelling to keep our babies safe. Healthcare professionals worldwide have always maintained that travelling in pregnancy isn’t really a risky thing, in fact, doctors say that in the first trimester, travelling by any mode is safe. But we can always be cautious.
One must remember that as the pregnancy progresses, the joints are less stable and the centre of gravity is altered and the bump tends to overbalance the pregnant woman.
Let’s discuss these modes of travel and see what precautions need to be taken:
1. Two wheelers: Riding a two-wheeler is safe in the first trimester because the body hasn’t undergone major changes. After 12 weeks, when the body weight increases, this mode of travel is risky. It is also because of the unruly traffic and bumpy roads everywhere. Precaution to be taken: while riding pillion, sit with legs on both sides as compared to sitting sideways.
2. Three wheelers/Auto-rickshaw: Considerably a safer option, as it is covered from all sides unlike a two-wheeler and is one of the most preferred options of travel. However, one should still keep in mind the bumps and the traffic and ask the driver to mind these.
3. Bus (Public Transport): Most pregnant mothers prefer travelling by buses as they are safe and more relaxing as compared to other modes. Also, it is the cheapest way of going from one destination to another. One must keep in mind, to not travel during peak hours, to choose ladies special buses, if available. Getting down and boarding is bus may prove to be tricky as the pregnancy progresses, so it is important to take help from co-passengers. You can always ask fellow passengers to give you a seat.
4. Trains: A lot of pregnant women prefer commuting by train to work nowadays as well. In fact, it is safer to travel on the train unless it is the peak travel hour when it is a little tricky. Trains allow more movement as compared to other modes of transport and offer one the chance to relax and even put their feet up in case of tiredness/numbness/stiffness. A train travel also means there is no chance of encountering traffic so it is easier to reach the destination on time. For a long distance travel, a woman must be careful while washing the washroom in the train- preferably go to the washroom when the train is at a station or is moving slow.
5. Cars/Cabs/Taxis: One of the biggest challenges while commuting to work in a car are the bumpy, narrow roads. It makes this mode of travel risky. Having said that, it can’t be denied that it is a comfortable mode as well. A pregnant woman should carry a cushion/soft clothes that will help back-pain during car travels. Also, driving after the second trimester isn’t advised because the bump grows bigger and it is an uncomfortable position.
6. Aeroplane: An expensive mode of travel but is also the fastest. Travelling in the first trimesters are as safe as one can expect. After 28 weeks (beginning of the third trimester), flight requires a certificate from the doctor. A pregnant woman may experience nausea/breathlessness during air travel, so it is advisable to sip water every few minutes. It is also advisable to ask for an aisle seat, towards the rear as it is easier to get up from there and walk to the washroom.W
How has been your experience with travelling? Do you have anything that we haven’t shared here? Write to us at!
Team Together
18 Dec 2018
by c2s-ajay | Jul 6, 2020 | Articles - Hindi
जब हम गर्भधारण करते है, हमारे मन में बहुत सारे सवाल होते है जिसका हम जवाब ढूंढते हैं। पर जब हम हर महीने डॉक्टर के पास जांच के लिए जाते है, तो हमे याद नहीं रहता कि हमे क्या पुछना था। ऐसे में अगर कोई हमे सबसे अधिक पूछे जाने वाले सवाल की सूची दे दे तो कितना अच्छा हो।हमने दस डॉक्टरों से बात करी और ये जाना कि कौन से सवाल है जो ज़्यादातर औरतें पुछती है और यह वह सूची है
1 भोजन पर प्रतिबंध: अक्सर ऐसा देखा गया है कि गर्भावस्था में औरतों को ये चिंता रहती है कि क्या वो सबकुछ खा सकती है। ये सबसे अहम सवाल है जो हर होने वाली माँ डॉक्टर को पुछती है
2 कौन से व्यायाम करें और कौन से ना करें- ये अपने डॉक्टर से पूछ लें ताकि बाद में कोई गड़बड़ ना हो।
3 वाहन का उपयोग कौन से वाहन से सफ़र करे, किसमें क्या सावधानी बरतें, ये सब पूछ लेना चाहिए
4 चाय कॉफी का सेवन। आप दिन में कितने कप चाय/कॉफी पी सकती है या हरी चाय, ये पहले डॉक्टर से पूछ लें एंड उसको अमल करें
5 आपातकालीन स्थिति में कौन सी दवाई खाये, सरदर्द, उल्टी या उबकाई मैं, ये डॉक्टर को ज़रूर पूछ लें
6 बहुत सारी महिलाओं को प्रेगनेंसी में दर्द रहता है और कभी कभी ब्लीडिंग भी होती है। अपने डॉक्टर को पूछ लें कि कब ये सब साधारण अवस्था है
7 कितना वजन बढ़ना चाहिए और कितना आवश्यक है। हर औरत का शरीर अलग होता है और सबका वजन वृद्धि दर भिन्न होता है। इसीलिए इस बारे में चिंता करने से पहले डॉक्टर की सलाह ले ले
8 संभोग संबंधित जानकारी डॉक्टर से प्राप्त करे।
9 कौन सी दवाई खानी है, कौन से टेस्ट कराने है और कौन से टीके लगवाने है, ये सब डॉक्टर के सही समय पर पूछ लें
10 पार्लर जाना, बालों में कलर(रंग) लगाना, वैक्सिंग करना- इन सबके बारे में जानकारी ले ले
11 मैं कब तक काम कर सकती हूं– ये अवश्य पूछ लें। आपकी स्थिति के आधार पर डॉक्टर आपको इस बारे में सलाह देंगी
12 डॉक्टर कौन से अस्पताल में डिलीवरी के लिये उपलब्ध है, ये पूछ कर अपने अस्पताल का चयन करें
Team Together
27 Dec 2018
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